> We need to create a search feature that includes a
> zip code locator such that the searcher can enter
> their zip code and then get search results
> within a certain radius (e.g. within 20 miles, etc.).

There are several ways to do this.  We generally purchase a database with
all of the zip codes which includes their central latitude and longitude.
There are several places online which have published radial search functions
for SQL Server in T-SQL which will use that data to find matches based on
the number of miles provided (see:
e-latitude-longitude-pr).  There also some APIs out there which you can
call.  If this will be a low-volume search you may be better off using an
external API so you don't have to worry about updating the data and wrapping
your head around all that SQL.  For a higher-volume need you may be better
off adapting one of the SQL methods to let your database do the heavy
lifting for you.


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