On 8/27/2010 2:25 AM, Justin Scott wrote:

> Have you used them to send to mobile numbers on US carriers?  A few places
> I've spoken to have said that we would need to apply for our own short code
> to send to US recipients, others have said we can send through theirs but

no you don't 100% need a short code to *send* SMS to the US.

like most everything else, you get what you pay for when it comes to SMS 

you might look at HSLsms.com or Dialogue.net, know both of these work with cf's 
gateway & are fairly reliable.

if you're on cf9 & only want to send or receive SMS (which often can be a 
cheaper service), look for vendors that offer that. prior to cf9, cf's SMS 
gateway was transceiver binding only.

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