FWIW, you wouldn't get this error on Railo (due to a philosophical
difference on how function declarations actually work).

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Matthew Smith <chedders...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, here is what I tried:
> I removed the cfcomponent tags in the org.corfield.framework file, and
> copied them to a folder.
> I tried adding this:
> <cfif findnocase("domain.com",request.currentSiteDomain,"1")>
>  <cfinclude template="/fw1/fw1.cfm">
> <cfinclude template="/fw1/settings-domain-com.cfm">
> <cfelse>
>    <!--- All my other stuff for the other apps, including
> the onRequestStart function  ---!>
> </cfif>
> I thought I would be good to go, but I am getting this error on the new app"
>  Routines cannot be declared more than once. The routine onRequestStart has
> been declared twice in different templates.
> I don't understand why I am getting this as the second onRequestStart is
> within the cfelse and should not be 

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