
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 12:13 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: colors...
> Since there isn't a lot of activity on the list today, and I just
> finished a
> project (thanks to a lot of help from here), it must be the weather...
> I thought I would post some neato code I was playing with this
> weekend. It's
> a cool rollover effect, maybe for menus or whatnot, I really cant
> figure out
> a good use though ;-)
> <cfset twocolor = "blue,##000099">
> <cfset redlist =
> "##000033,##000066,##000099,##0000cc,Blue,##3300ff,##0066ff,##0099
> ff,##00ccf
> f,Aqua,##99ffff,##ccffff,White,White">
> <cfset colorlist2 =
> "Black,##121212,##242424,##363636,##484848,##5a5a5a,##6c6c6c,##7e7
> e7e,##9090
> 90,##a2a2a2,##b4b4b4,##c6c6c6,##d8d8d8,##eaeaea">
> <cfset colorlist =
> "##020202,##030303,##040404,##050505,##060606,##070707,##090909,##
> 0a0a0a,##0
> b0b0b,##0c0c0c,##0d0d0d,##0e0e0e,##0f0f0f,##101010,##111111,##1212
> 12,##13131
> 3,##141414,##151515,##161616,##171717,##181818,##191919,##1a1a1a,#
> #1b1b1b,##
> 1c1c1c">
> <cfset reversecolorlist =
> "##eaeaea,##d8d8d8,##c6c6c6,##b4b4b4,##a3a3a3,##909090,##7e7e7e,##
> 6c6c6c,##5
> a5a5a,##484848,##363636,##242424,##121212,Black">
> <cfoutput>
> <cfset looptracker = 14>
> <cfset looptracker2 = 1>
> <table bgcolor="black">
> <cfloop from="1" to="1" index="x">
> <cfloop list="#colorlist2#" index="color">
> <tr style="background:#listgetat(colorlist2,looptracker)#;"
> onMouseOver="'#listgetat(colorlist2,looptracker)#'"
> onMouseOut="'#color#'"
> onclick="'red'">
> <td width="200"><font color="blue">|</font></td>
> </tr>
> <cfif looptracker2 is 1>
> <cfset looptracker2 = 2>
> <cfelse>
> <cfset looptracker2 = 1>
> </cfif>
> <cfset looptracker = looptracker - 1>
> </cfloop>
> </cfloop>
> </table>
> </cfoutput>
> I've got a couple of extra colorlists, that can be changed in the code for
> different color schemes, and changing between looptracker and looptracker2
> changes the effect...
> oh yeah...dont forget to click on the rollovers
> jon
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