What I am doing is calling a jQuery function which then uses a CFC method to 
create my file.  I am returning a message of how many files were created and 
zipped up.  I then want to present the user with the File Download box to 
download the newly created file.  It seems the cffunction does not like to have 
the cfheader/cfcontent in the same function so I put it in its own function. It 
appears the 2nd function call is returning the file contents to my $get result 
set.  If I call the function directly from a CFM page, the File Download box 
will appear.  Below is my cfc call and my cffunctions...

function exportPartsData(){ 
      // Set a hidden variable to the selected rows lsa_aIds
      // Set variables
      var aplsToUse  = $('#selectedGrid').val();
      var outputType = $('input:radio[name=fileType]:checked').val();
          cache: false
              alert("'"+data+"'" + " Records Exported into a zip file into the 
selected directory.");
              // Present the user the a File Download Box
                    cache: false



<cffunction name="exportData" access="remote" returnformat="json" 
   <cfargument name="idsToUse">

   <cfset test = "this is my test file."/>
   <cffile action="write" file="c:\test.txt" output="#variables.test#"/>
   <cfset fileCount = ListLen(idsToUse)/>

   <!--- Return the Count of files we created --->
   <cfreturn fileCount />



<cffunction name="openFile" access="remote" returnformat="plain" 
returntype="Any" hint="Function which will present the download box">

   <!--- Present the download box --->
   <cfheader name="Content-disposition" VALUE="attachment;filename=test.txt">
   <cfcontent type="application/octet-stream" FILE="c:\test.txt">

   <cfreturn />

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