Meh, the syntax is nearly identical between the different options. It would
take anyone with half a brain all of about an hour to switch the rewrite
rules over from apache to IIS or vice versa.
Sure it's personal preference I guess but I generally try to use the right
tool for the job. Data processing is best left to databases. URL rewriting
is best left to the server. And ColdFusion server can be left to serve out
ColdFusion pages.

In a pinch you can use a pair of pantyhose to keep your alternator working.
Then you go buy a serpentine belt the first chance you get.

On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 1:07 PM, Jacob Munson <> wrote:

> >
> > However this is really best left to URL rewriting via the webserver.
> I would also argue that it's not really bad to do URL rewriting within CF
> instead of in the web server.  Sure, there may be high traffic situations
> where you're trimming miliseconds, but for most cases CF URL rewriting is a
> perfectly valid option.  And many people would prefer to have all of their
> application configuration in one place, instead of needing to go to
> multiple
> places to maintain app level settings.
> Also, say you need to move the app to a different server or host.  If you
> use web server URL rewriting, you'll need to set that up again on the new
> server.  If you do it in CF you just need to drop your code on the server
> and your done.  Personally I think it's a personal preference thing, not a
> "This is the written in stone way that you should do it."  :)

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