I've found the issue.  It turns out the java code given by Avalara is compiled 
with Axis 1.2.  The CF9 server was a bit of a decoy, bc it had a compatible 
Axis jar.  

The problem was with the server running CF9.  The other developer working on 
this and myself are both running CF9 on a jrun server for development, the base 
JRun 4 server in its lib directory had a webservices.jar file that was a 
compilation of Axis 1.1.x, jaxrpc and saaj.  

After we removed that jar file, copied all dependent jars from the Avalara 
compile and removed the Axis jars we'd put into cfusion/lib, it picked up and 
started working fine.

Not the first time I've had Axis issues with cf and web services.  Probably 
won't be the last.


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