Well I can tell you right off the bat that this:
<cfloop query ="ProdCatDESC">
 <cfoutput query="ProdCatDESC" >
 #ProductCategoryDescShort#, #ProductCategoryID#



Is not helping.  You are asking it to loop over the query and then for every
single iteration of the loop, process the entire query in the cfoutput.

Change it to:

<cfloop query ="ProdCatDESC">
#ProductCategoryDescShort#, #ProductCategoryID#<br>

And I am willing to bet that you will see a tremendous improvement in


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kinnikinnick Foods Inc. Info Desk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 17:21
Subject: CFFILE write and processing speed Question

> Hi all...new to list.
> Have been messing about with CF for a couple of months now. Currently we
> have a web store running on an old cgi based unix system. It works well
> I'm not changing it until I have a much better handle on CF but I am using
> CF to generate all of our static HTML for the store. We have about 300
> products in 15 different categories. I set up some code to grab our
> categories and write the files to a directory. This file generator code is
> also the basic code to write all 300 of our product info files.
> My question is this.
> When I run this code, it works pretty well, but it takes a VERY long
> time...upwards of 3-5 minutes per file. To process all the products I had
> to set the server time out to some huge number.
> It seems to me that this is too slow but I don't know if this is normal
> cffile operation or is a result of poor coding and/or queries. Any
> Using CFStudio 4.5.2 RC1 beta
> CFServer 4.5 Single user
> Win2k
> Access97 backend
> <!---Begin file generator--->
> <cfquery name="ProdCatDESC"
>           datasource="MyData"
>           dbtype="ODBC">
> SELECT      ProductCategoryDescShort, ProductCategoryID, MarketID
> FROM         [QRY for Price Lists]
> Where MarketID = 5
> </cfquery>
> <!---begin looping thru product categories--->
> <cfloop query ="ProdCatDESC">
> <cfoutput query="ProdCatDESC" >
> #ProductCategoryDescShort#, #ProductCategoryID#
> </cfoutput>
> <!---set the variable to pass to template--->
> <cfset CatIDresults = #ProductCategoryID#>
> <cfset dirlocation = "C:\storeTEMP\store_ca\">
> <!---Call the template page--->
> <cfhttp
> method="get" resolveurl="false" UserAgent="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE
> 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)" >
> <!--- Use Variable passed to find out what to call the save
> file...uses  ProductCategoryDescShort as file name ie...bread =
> <CFset URLAddy = #ProductCategoryDescShort#>
> <!--- Write the file to the directory  --->
> <CFFILE action="write" file="#Dirlocation#\#URLAddy#.html"
> output="#CFHTTP.FileContent#">
> </cfloop>
> <!---end of file generator--->
> ----------------------------------------------
> Jay Bigam
> Marketing and Information Technology Manager
> Kinnikinnick Foods Inc.
> www.kinnikinnick.com
> Toll Free: 1-877-503-4466
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