Bueller? Bueller?

I have everything set up in the administrator, but nothing ever comes through. 
When looking at the socket-gateway.log I spy the following:

error attempting to listen on socket: java.net.socketException: socket closed

I find this odd because when I review the ports in windows, 1070 specifically 
says "listening". This entry is logged whenever I start and stop the gateway 
instance in the ColdFusion administrator. The STATUS in the ColdFusion 
administrator says "RUNNING". Nothing ever shows up in the IN and OUT columns 
in the administrator.

What can I do to ensure that the socket is opened, even though Windows insists 
that it is listening?

> I have searched the web so much that Google wants to put me on the 
> payroll. I am looking for a great tutorial on Gateways / Telnet for an 
> application I am building. I am using CF8 in a Windows environment. I 
> am a complete newbie with Gateways, and the information I am finding 
> in the docs is amazingly lacking. Is it me, or is there truly a dearth 
> of information out there? Can anyone point me in the right direction? 
> I need to monitor a device at a given IP address (it is a magnetic 
> stripe badge reader hanging on the network, no PC). When a scan is 
> detected, I want to send the data into my database and send a command 
> back to the badge reader triggering the indicator light. 

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