I too am trying not to get frustrated. I appreciate that you are trying to help 
and I suspect we are caught in semantics based on different technology 
In any event, I have learned more about what Firebug can do and the statement 
that should trigger the focus is in the code being sent to the browser. At 
present it's inside the AjaxOnLoad function and the JavaScript statement just 
before the HTML (calling LoginInit)should be triggering it:

<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */   
 /* ]]> */</script>

I know this works because I also have put an alert in there and the alert fires 
(and have removed it as well).

When I go to the original (which I believe is what you would like to see there, 
I replace the AjaxOnLoad with:


It also shows up in the code sent to the browser but generates the run time 

document.LoginForm is undefined 

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