The best place to start is a simple console Hello World example!!

The complicating factor in C/C++ is that there are a lot of different
"Toolkits" to learn for different Platforms
(MFC-Windows,Gtk-Gnome,ncurses;ptreads-Unix,QT-Kde etc...) mostly for GUI
development, so it depends on what you want to do..

I think the best book on C++ is the OReilly Book C++ it assumes no programming experience,
and you don't need to get a "C" book first...

You can get free C compilers for windows here

*nix has a cc & gcc etc. as standard.

Also check out

and of course min's site for CFX examples :-)  (

It's a bit of a jump from CF , but after learning C++ you should be able to
master any language , Java CF Perl php, and JavaScript will all "make more

Justin MacCarthy

>-----Original Message-----
>From: lsellers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 6:52 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: RE: WAY OT: C++
>>      Well I have been messing with cf for a year now and figure
>> it's time to
>> seriously broaden my horizon and try to learn the granddaddy of all
>> languages (excluding B and all those ones which aren't highly used). Does
>> anyone know of a good website that has some good learning
>examples. Thanks
>> for any help.
>I assume this is for supporting web apps and I assume you've only used CF
>before? Any formal programming classes or other compiled languages? It's
>going to be a bit rough if so.
>I'd suggest skipping COM objects or full fledge amazon-like cgi/isapi apps.
>CFX tags are a fairly easy place to start... after you play around with
>making a few command-line apps.
>As far as book and on-line tutorials. Depends what kind of previous
>experience you have. Thinking in C++ was one I read a while back. Fairly
        Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


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