At work we use AccuRev, which is expensive, and flawed, but on the
whole really great. It has a stream inheritance model that means
changes in an earlier release stream automatically flow to later
releases unless there are changes to the same file there already. Also
has integrated issue tracking, good change tracking, decent merging (I
hear great things about the Mercurial and Git merge process, no
experience so I can't compare).

For personal stuff I use Visual SVN Server now, used to use manually
installed and configured SVN. Visual SVN is amazingly quick and simple
to get running, and just works.


On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 5:55 AM, Andrew Scott <> wrote:
> It also depends on your SDLC, and workflow for releases as well.
> I use SVN Externals for common code across applications as well, and the one
> thing that I do is have only a stable release structure in SVN for any
> application.
> This means that a developer can code, make changes to all the heart's
> content. And until you have gone through your testing, staging and release
> flow. It will not be affected by other projects, not until you merge the
> changes into your release folder in SVN.
> Regards,
> Andrew Scott
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Michael Christensen []
>> Sent: Wednesday, 6 October 2010 8:29 PM
>> To: cf-talk
>> Subject: Re: What version-/source control are you using (if any)?
>> It's a really good question, and one that I have no real good answer for.
>> I think if you are used to working on a common set of files, you do things
> a
>> little bit differently than when you have your own copy.
>> We rarely have the issue of people leaving broken files, not in the least
>> because your colleagues will be on you in about 2 seconds.

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