I think there is a function in the facebook graph API that you can use:

> Howdy folks,
> I'm working on a ColdFusion application that creates events in 
> Facebook.  I have no trouble authenticating users and creating simple 
> events, but as soon as I add a picture with CFHTTPPARAM, I get a blank 
> response from Facebook.
> Here's the code I have that works:
> -----
> <cfset params = 'access_token=#client.
> access_token#&event_info={"page_id": "#uid#", "start_time": 
> "1295578547", "name": "Test Event", "location": "Test","privacy": 
> "OPEN","description": "Test Event"}'>
> <cfhttp url="https://api.facebook.com/method/events.create?#params#"; 
> method="get"></cfhttp>
> -----
> Given the correct permissions and authentication, this works great.  
> But as soon as I change my CFHTTP statement, the code fails.  This is 
> the code I'm using:
> -----
> <cfhttp url="https://api.facebook.com/method/events.create?#params#"; 
> method="post" multipart="yes">
> <cfhttpparam file="E:\test\sampleimage.jpg" type="file" name="image.
> jpg" mimetype="image/jpeg">
> </cfhttp>
> -----
> Anyone have any ideas?  It might be that Facebook is looking for some 
> kind of a header, but I'm not sure what that would be.
> Thanks in advance!
> David Six 

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