Okay, I've been handled a WSDL for a service that our SAP folks have
built for me.


#1 - I had to comment all the <wsp:> tags because coldfusion wouldn't
read the WSDL at all.  I don't know what they're for so that's one of
my issues.

#2 - I'm having some trouble with the input/output stuff.

For example, I'm able to call the service with this statement:

            webservice = "https://SERVER/path/to/file.wsdl";
            method = "ZAdvWebServOptOut"
            username = "Z_ADV_OPTOUT"
            password = "ma1l0ptout"
            returnVariable = "foo"
            refreshWSDL = "yes">
                <cfinvokeargument name="email" value="rick.r...@gmail.com">
                <cfinvokeargument name="optcode" value="AAA21">
                <cfinvokeargument name="msgtab" value="">
                <cfinvokeargument name="_return" value="">

This is odd because the service has input and outputs which are
complex types, and each has two elements in the complex types, but It
works only if I pass in four variables.

Problem #3 is that although the web service call executes and does not
fail (I don't know if it works or not), the output, which I've defined
to go to "foo" is not defined.  I'm guessing because the service is
somehow designed to put its response into the 3rd and 4th arguments
but.. hell if I know how to get to them after i've executed the call!


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