ok, maybe I am cross-eyed and (tried matching cases), but:

PROTEINSEQUENCE1        sdalifsdaifasifsadi


'#form['ProteinSequence'&   LoopCount]#',

which is called AA_sequence in the data table as shown below

Insert into ProteinSequence (Project_ID, AA_Sequence, ...

this all seems to match up.

***Looping through an insert is certainly a very basic programming operation.
Seems like it should not be so painful ...

On 10/26/2010 11:15 AM, Bryan Stevenson wrote:
> Well I know you said in another post that the form elements are all
> there, but this error disagrees with you ;-)
> So it's time to check variable spelling....possibly case....other
> obvious yet silly things
> ...and of course you want to make sure that the complete set of form
> elements exist for ALL values of the loop (if any of these come from
> checkboxes, an unchecked on would cause some chaos for sure (as it would
> be undefined)
> Cheers
> On Tue, 2010-10-26 at 11:07 -0700, Rick Colman wrote:
>> actually, two are int, so revised, but still did not work:
>>    Error Executing Database Query.
>> [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Invalid object name
>> 'ProteinSequence'.
>> The error occurred
>> in*C:\inetpub\wwwroot\sttr2\orders\neworder_main_confirm_action.cfm:
>> line 77*
>> 75 :  '#form['ProteinSequence'&   LoopCount]#',
>> 76 :  '#form['genename'&   LoopCount]#',
>> *77 :  #form['NoAminoAcids'&   LoopCount]#*
>> 78 :  )
>> 79 :</cfquery>
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> SQLSTATE       42S02
>> SQL     Insert into ProteinSequence (Project_ID, AA_Sequence, Gene_Name,
>> Count) Values( 22, 'sdalifsdaifasifsadi', 'g1', 15 )
>> DATASOURCE     sttr2
>> code:
>> <cfloop index = "LoopCount" from="1" to="#form.num_genes#" step="1">
>> <cfquery datasource="#application.datasource#" name="AddProject"
>> username="#request.dsn_username#" password="#request.dsn_password#">
>> Insert into ProteinSequence
>>       (Project_ID,
>>        AA_Sequence,
>>        Gene_Name,
>>        Count)
>>    Values(
>>    #thisprojectid#,
>>    '#form['ProteinSequence'&  LoopCount]#',
>>    '#form['genename'&  LoopCount]#',
>>    #form['NoAminoAcids'&  LoopCount]#
>>    )
>> </cfquery>
>> </cfloop>
>> cfdump:
>> PROTEINSEQUENCE1     sdalifsdaifasifsadi
>> PROTEINSEQUENCE2     sdafklfsaklfsdklaf

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