
The problem seems to be that CF is dynamically appending a value to the
window ID; for example, here's the HTML:

<div id="cf_window1288130408876" class="x-hidden x-window
x-resizable-pinned" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); position:
absolute; width: 640px; display: block; visibility: visible; z-index: 9003;
left: 632px; top: 90px; "><div class="x-window-tl"><div
class="x-window-tr"><div class="x-window-tc"><div id="albumwin_title"
class="x-window-header x-unselectable x-window-draggable"
style="background-image: none; background-attachment: initial;
background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204); -webkit-user-select: none;
background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;
"><div class="x-tool x-tool-close" id="ext-gen7">&nbsp;</div><span

That "cf_window1288130408876" bit changes with each page refresh, and I'm
not sure where that value is coming from.


On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 9:32 AM, Brook Davies <> wrote:

> If you use firefox and firebug, turn on the inspection option in firebug
> and
> roll your mouse over the upper left corner of the window. You should be
> able
> to find the windows containing div, it should look something like this:
> <div id="your-win-id" class=" x-window x-resizable-pinned" style="position:
> absolute; z-index: 1003; visibility: visible; left: 374px; top: 73px;
> width:
> 1070px; display: block;"><div class="x-window-tl"><div
> class="x-window-tr">...
> Find the ID of the containing div and in the firebug console type
> Ext.getCmp('window-id').  This will dump all of the windows methods and
> properties, look through it for the method you need and try calling it
> directly via the console (eg. Ext.getCmp('window-id').setPosition(x,y)
> Now, I have never used Coldfusions Ext implementation, and this is only how
> I would do it with the standalone Ext library. I don't know if it will work
> the same. I assume that the Ext namespace exists and can be used like this?
> But I could be wrong...
> Brook
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Scott []
> Sent: October-25-10 7:28 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: RE: Dynamically resizing a cfwindow?
> Which version of ColdFusion are you trying this on?
> Regards,
> Andrew Scott
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Pete Ruckelshaus []
> > Sent: Tuesday, 26 October 2010 12:38 PM
> > To: cf-talk
> > Subject: Re: Dynamically resizing a cfwindow?
> >
> >
> > Not sure if I follow.  Put the code in the parent window?  I tried that,
> works in
> > IE, doesn't work in Chrome.
> >
> > The interesting thing is that when I launch the cfwindow using IE (I
> normally
> > use Chrome), it resizes the parent window, but not the cfwindow (even
> > though the this.resizeTo() code is in the page loaded within the
> cfwindow).
> >
> > Pete

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