Thanks Brook:

I agree this looks like the best method so far.  I also forgot to mention 
images, if one was to upload images that were inappropriate, is there a way to 
'flag' them or would human verification be the only resort to this type of 
situation.  I want to say there's some way of flagging certain types of images 
like porno, but I can't remember.  I thought there was a way I saw it done 
while in the military but my memory fails me.

>As long as you save the file to a directory that has limited execute and
>script permissions, the file should not ever be executed. If you loaded a
>PHP file from that directory in your browser you would get prompted to
>download but it should never execute. Make sure all script mappings on the
>directory are removed. Of course saving the file in an non-web accessible
>directory is even a better idea and use CFCONTENT to serve the file as

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