I am trying to export our product list to an XML feed. It works pretty well 
except that one of the products, has a quotation mark in it that nothing seems 
to like.

I believe it is a cut and past issue and that the quotation mark is a special 

It is this one right here.... ”

No matter what I do I cannot get rid of this thing. And if I do  search in the 
resulting file, I cannot search for a " because it is not the same.

I am doing this, and that is not getting rid of it...

<cfset title = REReplaceNoCase(title,"<(.|\n)*?>”","","ALL") />
<cfset title = REReplace(title, "[^0-9a-zA-Z_]", "", "ALL") />

and I am wrapping the tag like this... 
<title><![CDATA[ #Trim(XmlFormat(title))# ]]></title>

What else can I do, besides go into the database and delete it.
I would like a code solution.

Thanks in advance.

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