Thanks Leigh.  It just seems if you merge PDFs, the page numbers/labels should 
be set sequentially within the new document.  When would anyone ever want page 
numbers to look like: 1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,3,1,1,1,1?.  Totally a bug.

Thanks for your help though, it did provide a workaround for the bug.  A little 
more searching on DDX and I found, which suggests a link to the 
<PageLabel> doc reference from LiveCycle.  Unfortunately, this doesn't work as 
the PageLabel element doesn't accept the attribute "pages" (at least not in CF).

But, with some tweaking I did get it to work.  For future reference here's what 
I did:

<cfsavecontent variable="DDX"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <DDX xmlns=""; 
xsi:schemaLocation=" coldfusion_ddx.xsd">
            <PDF result="output1">           
            <cfset i = 1 />
            <cfset pageNumber = 1/>
            <cfloop list="#pages#" index="page">               
                   <PDF source="doc#i#">
                       <cfpdf action="getinfo" name="tmp" source="#page#">
                        <PageLabel mode="Define" start="#pageNumber#" 
                        <!--- page numbering will be off if the source has more 
than one page --->                       
                        <cfset pageNumber = pageNumber + tmp.TotalPages/>       
                <cfset i = i + 1 />
<!--- setup the mapping for the source PDF files --->
<cfset sInput = structNew() />
<cfset i = 1 />
<cfloop list="#pages#" index="page">           
         <cfset sInput['doc#i#'] = page />
    <cfset i = i + 1 />

<!--- setup the mapping for the result PDF files --->
<cfset sOutput = structNew() />
<cfset sOutput.output1 = "finished.pdf" />
<cfset DDX = trim(DDX)/>
<cfif isDDX(DDX)>
    <!--- use the cfpdf tag to process the DDX document --->        
    <cfpdf action="processDDX" ddxFile="#trim(DDX)#" inputFiles="#sInput#" 
outputFiles="#sOutput#" name="result" />
    <h1>Not a Valid DDX document</h1>

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