> I'm getting somewhere but have given up on GetThumbnail for now. The .NET 
> libs also contain a method to save SVG files so now I do this:
>    <cfloop from="1" to="#lastSlide#" index="i">
>        <cfset slide = presentation.GetSlideByPosition(#i#)>
>        <cfset img = slide.GetThumbnail()>
>        <cfset svgFile = '#Expandpath('./')#ppt\test#i#.svg'>
>        <cfset svg = slide.SaveToSVG(svgFile)>
>    </cfloop>
> I'm then using Batik to convert to PNG. This produces some pretty good 
> results. The Batik install and invocation of Java objects was another
> challenge in itself but I got there in the end by trial and error.
> I'm quite pleased with myself now :-)

Congratulations! For future reference, though, I often find it easier
to write my own library that does these sorts of invocations for me,
then I can just call that library from CF. For example, you could
write your own C# class that does all of these individual steps, then
invoke that directly.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers

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