Remove the # signs. You are telling cf to pass dateOfTotal to the server
as a variable value.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Faircloth [] 
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2010 4:21 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: RE: I think I'm just making this way too hard...

Well, I switched the DB and CF functions around in the statement,
changed the CF function in the first half of the comparison
to a DB (MySQL 5) function, and changed the column name throwing
the error to "dateOfTotal" to be certain using "datetime" as a column
name was not the problem.

But I still get an error, and I can't figure out why. I even renamed
the table, in case using a number at the start of the table name
was problematic.

select     totalNew
from       a_dailyNumberNewHMLSProperties
where      date_add(now(), -1 days) = '#dateAdd('d', -1, dateOfTotal)#'

Variable "dateOfTotal" is undefined.
How can that column name be undefined?  Why is it not being
understood in the SQL?



-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Skinner [] 
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2010 3:49 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: I think I'm just making this way too hard...

  On 11/5/2010 12:14 PM, Rick Faircloth wrote:
> What am I doing wrong? (Besides mostly likely making this
> waaaaay harder than it should be... just fog on the brain today)
> Rick

On 11/5/2010 12:25 PM, Ian Skinner wrote:
> You need to be using a database function around the database column,
> which for date functions varies from DBMS to DBMS.

P.S. And while there would be nothing wrong with continuing to use a 
ColdFusion function to create the date time value to be compared to the 
results of the database function us choose to use around the database 
column.   It might just be simpler to use database function through out,

as all DBMS have perfectly fine functions to get the current time from 
the system.

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