This might have sommething to do with sending multipart MIME messages.
Perhaps one person's client is set to only display plain text and the
message does not contain that part.

Sent from my Droid

On Nov 9, 2010 12:23 PM, "Sean Henderson" <> wrote:

Experiencing the same issue (blank message body) this past week (as of
11/09/10) as described in this post of 11/12/2003.

No changes to the template(s) calling CFMail - just started sending blank
message bodies. Spam score says negative 1 (-1) where a score of 3 or more
is spam, so that's not it.  CF says it left the building fine.  Records in
db say there was indeed message content.  Thankfully only happening on our
test system (in office), not in production (co-lo).  Anyone figure this out?
Was it an ISP/content filtering issue?

Thanks, Sean
stack: CFMX6.1 (j2sdk1.4.2_11), SQL2K Std, Win2K3 Std R2 SP2.

> ... weird problem occurring with an email send out using CFMail 6.1 from
> a SQL2000 db.  Seems that SOME recipients of the message get a blank/empty
> message body (subject line, to and from fields are OK).
> ... doesn't seem to be email client specific
> Thanks, Mark

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