Nice work!

- Tony Bentley
(sent from iPhone)

On Nov 11, 2010, at 11:06 AM, Donnie Carvajal
<> wrote:

> Hi Tony,
> I just realized you were intending for the code to go in the site-wide error 
> handler and not the custom error handling of the AJAX code.  I got it 
> working.  This was a great help!!
> Thanks again,
> Donnie
>> Check firebug (how many times do people say this?)
>> If you throw a 500 and abort after, the client should treat the
>> response as an error. You need to configure the client too, not just
>> put in <cfheader statusCode="500">. Use ALL of my code, not just a
>> fragment.
>>> Thanks Tony!  Will the <cfheader statusCode="500"> work with the
>>> site-wide error handler on?  I tried adding this tag to my ajax code,
>>> but it is still returning as success.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donnie

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