In the cfproperty-oriented world, where properties get dumped into the
variables scope along with your methods and anything else there, many
folks including me have written getMemento methods to return a struct
with the values of the object's declared properties, only.

Do you suppose methods like this should use the values returned by
getters where they exist? Or just the raw internal data?

If you're populating another instance of the object from this result,
I suppose it would depend on whether that object had similar getters,
and maybe setters too; you wouldn't want to get data already processed
by a getter, then process it again in its new home. OTOH, if the
receiving object is dumb, you might want the
formatted/defaulted/logi-processed version that a getter would return.
So maybe it's a context-specific thing.

My impression is that the memento itself is a dumb value object only,
no getters or setters, so it seems like getters should be used when
you get the data out of a smarter object that has them. Or should
there be a flag to enable getters? If so, what's its default?

Any thoughts?


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