hi  . I have written a cfc which has a function which has a query and I want 
the result of that query to be returned as an array and I have specified the 
return type of the function to "Array" . I hope I can then use that Array in my 
Flex application .  but I can't return the right value and CF gives me error .  
my cfc is as follow:

        <cfprocessingdirective pageencoding="utf-8">
        <cfset setEncoding("form","utf-8")>
        <cfset setEncoding("url","utf-8")>
        <cfcontent type="text/html ; charset=UTF-8">
                <cffunction name="login" access="remote" returntype="Array">
                        <cfargument name="username" type="string" 
                        <cfargument name="password" type="string" 
                        <cfquery name="qCheck" datasource="Library">
                        select username,password from Users where 
username=<cfqueryparam  value=#username# cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
                        AND password=<cfqueryparam value=#password# 
                        <cfreturn qCheck>

I'll be appreciated if you can help me with this . 
thanks . 

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