Wrap the custom tag in a cfsavecontent tag at the top of the page:

<cfsavecontent variable="myoutput">
        <cf_customtag />

Then output your page:

-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Black [mailto:j...@blackbeardesign.com] 
Sent: November-18-10 12:27 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Variable before query, rereplace or javascript to change title

I created a custom tag I can reuse, which runs a news manager.  I would like
to optimize it for search engines, but here is my issue:

1. The query and output are in the custom tag, which goes in the main
content of the page
2. I want the news title to be in the page title, but I cant put an output
before a query that I know of
3. Not sure if an ReReplace will work in this situation either
4. I know I can do it with javascript, but javascript is client side and
will not change the title in time for a search engine to catch it will it?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.  Example:

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