Check out Depending on the volume of mail you
need to send, it's either pretty cheap, or worth it for their tracking


On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Brook Davies <> wrote:
> This a bit OT. I just wanted to share what I'd found, in case anyone else is
> considering moving to the cloud. Its certainly attractive, and being able to
> spin up a new server from an image configured with webserver, CF, OS and
> your website files in under 5 minutes is pretty cool.
> Just keep one thing in mind. Sending email from the cloud (at least from
> Amazons) is problematic at best. The IP's (Elastic IP's), that we were
> assigned we're already in the SpamHaus database and other RBLs. And we NSI
> wouldn't let us set up a cname record with those IPs.
> There *are* procedures to get your IP's removed/whitelisted but I don't
> think you can count on this since there are so many blacklists and your
> sharing an IP range, so your neighbour could get you in trouble again in the
> future.
> For me, I can't risk emails not getting delivered (new user account
> registrations, password reminders, notifications, campaigns - all of em), so
> the solution is to maintain an SMTP server at a co-lo or dedicated server
> location that you can trust to do your mail sending. Or use an outsourced
> email (, service. You can also set up a VPC with
> your existing hardware from  the cloud and 'talk' to it like it was on your
> local network.
> Anyhow, I just wanted to put this out there. I was stoked to move to the
> cloud, and this threw a bit of a wrench in the idea, since having to
> maintain a server somewhere for sending email is kinda of a pain in the
> butt.

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