For future reference you should avoid using * where possible as it can
easily lead to overmatching. Even using + would be better although both +
and * alone are greedy matches. An even better solution would be to use a
lazy match like so:


The ? following the + tells the regex engine to match as little as possible.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Colman [] 
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 9:59 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: REGEX hell

This worked!! TNX.

On 11/22/2010 6:04 PM, Michael Dinowitz wrote:
> Are you sure it's a space and not 2 spaces? Or a tab? Try using \s* to
> indicate that there may be one or more space characters.
> \)\s*\)
> <cfset cleandata2 = REReplaceNoCase(cleandata1, '\)\s*\)', ')', 'all')>
> On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 8:48 PM, Rick Colman<>  wrote:
>> I am trying to replace two trailing parens )) with a single paren.
>> here is a sample string:
>> (K AAA) (N AAC) (E GAA) )
>> looks like there is a space in between the two )), so I tried:
>> <cfset cleandata2 = #REReplaceNoCase( cleandata1,'\)\ \)',')','all')#>
>> but this is not working.
>> Any ideas as two what is wrong greatly appreciated.

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