
Short answer: You can't.

Long answer: This was a design flaw that was corrected in ColdFusion 9. In
CF9, you can dump #local#, which is the function local var scope. Earlier
than that, you best option is to create a struct for your function-local
variables, so many people do this:

[pseudocode, writeDump and abort are CF9 specific]
function foo(arg, etc) {
  local = structNew();
  local.myLocalVariable = 1234;


Hope that helps.

nathan strutz
[http://www.dopefly.com/] [http://hi.im/nathanstrutz]

On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 9:15 AM, Rick Root <rick.r...@gmail.com> wrote:

> How do you dump the var scope inside a CFC?
> Qualifiers - not on CF9, and not using <cfset var LOCAL = StructNew()>
> I can tell you what DOESN'T work.
> <cfdump var="#variables#">
> <cfdump var="#variables.myFunctionName#">
> Rick

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