I wish I could see WHAT was taking up the ram, i.e a specific array, cfc
instances, etc etc....


-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Meyer [mailto:ca...@tassweb.com.au] 
Sent: December-04-10 1:00 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Memory Usage Question

Hi Brook,
You do not say what Cf version and JVm is in use eg CF8.01 Java 1.6.0_04

>1.       I understand that setting -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m should immediately
allocate that amount of ram to the JVM. So why does the >taskManager report
the memory usage at 300 megs (prior to the event)?
Is TASKMAN showing memory committed size? 
Setting initial size to same as maximum should likely take more memory
initially at start-up. Perhaps enable JVM logging and check the log file for
memory use (reply  if you need more details on how). 
Is this Server or Enterprise. If Enterprise are you able to run CF Monitor
and see the RAM use?

> 3.       What would cause the memory to immediately climb back up after a
full GC after 'something' happened but not climb after the service is
A CFM is sill running and Java objects are getting committed in to memory.
CF Monitor might assist.

HTH,  Carl. 

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