hi guys

For security (and appearance) reasons I don't ever want my users to be shown 
the default CF error message.

Therefore in application.cfm I have the following:

<cferror type="validation" exception="any" 
template="/errorDocs/myErrorHandler.cfm" />
<cferror type="request" exception="any" 
template="/errorDocs/myErrorHandler.cfm" />
<cferror type="exception" exception="any" 
template="/errorDocs/myErrorHandler.cfm" />

My understanding is that *any* error message will result in the error being 
handled by "myerrorhandler.cfm" - however.

If I execute this code in a .cfm page


The user is shown the default CF error message (complete with info about line 
numbers etc).

ie - CF has ignored my instruction in application.cfm on this occasion and 
allowed the user to see the standard CF error message???

Any thoughts as to how this can be as I'm stumped!

TIA chaps.


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