I'm in the process of building a new CF9.0.1 server to replace our existing 
7.0.2 production server. I'm confused about the behavior I'm seeing when 
testing one section of the site.

There is a link that is generated to point to a PDF of a map. On the new 
server, the link is incorrectly generated with a space preceding the map number 
/dept/assessment/mapping/pdfs/330/Map_330- 11.00.pdf

Original code to generate the link:
<cfobject component="/e-service/propertytaxes/propinfo" name="propinfo">
 onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;">Map of Property</a>

The mapFormat code from propInfo.cfc:
<cffunction name="MapFormat" access="remote" returntype="string">
   <cfargument name="Map" type="string" required="yes">
        <cfif left(Map,1) eq '0'>
           <cfset MapFormated = (right(left(Map,2) & "." & Right(Map,2),4))>
           <cfset MapFormated = (left(Map,2) & "." & Right(Map,2))>
   <cfreturn MapFormated>

If I output the session.map value prior to the link, it shows "1100", which is 
correct. If I check the length of the variable, it says there are 4 characters.

If I change the code to apply the MapFormat function to the string prior to 
including it in the link, it works fine (no leading space in front of 11.00):
<cfset mapID = #propinfo.mapFormat(session.map)#>
 onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;">Map of Property</a>

I'm sure I'm overlooking something silly, but after looking at this for so 
long, I'm still clueless. Why would the code work correctly on 7.0.2 but not 
9.0.1? The code is exactly the same (FTP’d from production to test server). 
The only thing that should be different (and potentially the problem) would be 
a more recent version of the JTOpen driver I have on the new server. 

FWIW, the MapFormat function is used in several other places within this 
section of the site, but none of them have this issue.

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