On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 10:16 AM, Matthew Reinbold
<matthew.reinb...@voxpopdesign.com> wrote:
> I know that correctly scoping variables in ColdFusion is important to prevent 
> unexpected results if a variable is "accidentally" reused elsewhere in a CFC. 
> But, if I remember correctly, in CFMX there were some pretty nasty memory 
> leaks that could occur if variables weren't scoped correctly.
> Does that apply to newer (8,9) versions of ColdFusion?

Yup.  All function-local variables in a CFC should be var scoped.  CF
9 did introduce the "local" scope inside of CFC methods, so doing

<cffunction name="myFunction">
     <cfset local.myVariable = "foo" />

is functionally equivalent to doing:

<cffunction name="myFunction">
     <cfset var myVariable = "foo" />

So while there are now 2 ways to declare a variable as local to a
given function (assuming you're on CF 9), the requirement still
remains that you do need to scope these variables properly in order to
avoid leakage.

Charlie Griefer

I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love
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