And THAT is why you're not a Jedi.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kris Jones [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 8:53 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: SerializeJSON return different between CF8 and CF9

Doh! Yes, exactly what I'm doing. Here's the weird thing though -
works fine in CF9. Perfect. In CF8 it simply escapes all the quotes in
the JSON string itself. Strange behavior? Or just an incompatibility?

I honestly didn't understand that returnformat=json was actually
serializing the json. I thought it was killing the wddx formatting.

Thanks for the education!


On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 9:37 PM, Raymond Camden <> wrote:
> Dumb question. But you are doing something like this:
> <cfreturn serializejson(data)>
> but _also_ adding returnFormat=json?
> If so - you are double serializing the JSON.
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 8:09 PM, Kris Jones <>
>> Okay, finally figured this out: To make this work in CF8 (w/ chf4
>> applied), I had to change the returnformat to "plain", rather than
>> "json". Otherwise it escaped all the quotes used to construct the
>> JSON. This does not happen in CF9.
>> Searched and searched for this on the web to no avail - hopefully this
>> will save someone else some time.
>> Cheers,
>> Kris
>>> Was reworking a function today to use serializejson instead of
>>> building the json myself. Love this functionality. Unfortunately, I've
>>> run into a snag when I pushed this over to a CF8 box where it must
>>> run. The double-quotes on elements in the JSON returned are escaped
>>> when run from the CF8 box, but are not escaped (the desired format)
>>> when run from CF9.
>>> I checked hotfixes, and updated the CF8 box to chf4, which includes
>>> the functionality for returnformat=json.
>>> CF9 Format:
>>> {"COLUMNS":["CREATE_DT","ID","CMS_ID","NAME"],"DATA":[["December, 30
>>> 2010 19:16:31",32,"KJ301220101413",null],["December, 30 2010
>>> 18:33:45",31,"KJ301220101413",null]]}
>>> CF8 Format:
>>> 30 2010 19:16:31\",32,\"KJ301220101413\",null],[\"December, 30 2010
>>> 18:33:45\",31,\"KJ301220101413\",null]]}"

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