
Imagemagick is pretty much the best thing in the world. It's very fast and
works with about any image file format, plus it's free and even ships with
most linux distributions.


Call it via command line, like this:\> convert.exe myimage.jpg myimage.ico

You can even batch it :\> convert *.jpg *.ico

You can call it via cfexecute, which works great. Don't be fooled into using
a CFX object, it won't work as well as the command-line.

nathan strutz
[http://www.dopefly.com/] [http://hi.im/nathanstrutz]

On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Rick Root <rick.r...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey folks, I'm looking for a tool that can convert JPG, GIF, and other
> images to true .ICO files.
> We currently use cfx_imagecr3 for most of our image conversion (it
> works better than cfimage) but neither actually support writing of ICO
> files.
> Rick

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