Well dte_2dlcl is not a valid enddate for a start.
You also need to make sure the dates are in the proper format the database

If your using sql server


-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Birdsell [mailto:john_birds...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: 13 January 2011 19:41
To: cf-talk
Subject: help w/ DateDiff() please

The dateDiff () is killing me!  can someone please look at this and help me
clear my head.

What I have is a db that tracks executive correspondence  when drafts are
due and when the final response is due.   I need a report that will list any
correspondence that has a draft or final date within 8 days of the run date
(today). I've read that i should be able to do this right in the select
statement. However I have found a clean concise example here is what I have
tried so far; 

try # 1::
<cfquery name="final8" datasource="dev11g" >
            select   dateDiff('d',#today#,'dte_2dlcl') as m
            from execcoresp000

Results:: Error - "DateDiff invalid identifier"

try# 2 

<cfquery name="final8" datasource="dev11g" >
            select   dateDiff('d',#today#,'dte_2dlcl') as m
            from execcoresp000 
            where m < 8
Results:  Error M invalid identifier

try # 3
         <cfquery name="final8" datasource="dev11g" >
            select  dte_2dlcl  
            from execcoresp000.correspondence 
            where dateDiff('d',#today#,'dte_2dlcl')< 8
Results: Error - "DateDiff invalid identifier"

The other error i tend to get is "Missing right parenthese"

i really dont want to get in a bunch of nested loops to do this.  any ideas?



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