I'll reply here, in case someone else has the same questions.

    Basically I have either a select or an input that I'm trying to    place an 
'add' icon directly next to it, to which I can then bind a    click action to 
open a modal window. Resizing the actual field is    fairly easy (just add an 
additional class declaration), but the    image always rolls to the next line 
(has to be on the same line).

    Yeah, I saw the multiField in the demo (that's what I'm using for    
side-by-side field placement). I'm actually trying to put a    datepicker field 
on the same line as another datepicker field, or    with a select, or with an 
input... Just wondering if there was an    easy way to do it. In the 
type="custom" field, I added an input like    this:

    <input type="text" class="textInput hasDatePicker addDatePicker    
hasDatepick" size="35" value="" id="dateofsource"    name="dateofsource">

    But that didn't add it. I tracked down the generated JS for    initializing 
the datepickers:

    $('#addEditForm .addDatePicker').datepick();

    I have the 'addDatePicker' class associated with that field, so I    
thought it might be a selector issue. I ran a console.log statement    in 
Firebug on the selector and it came back with the field. Hmmm?

    I read up a bit on the plugin. Since I'm using JQueryUI anyway I can    use 
it's (scaled down) datepicker. I took out the loadDateUI from    the form and 
added my own dp call, which rendered the datepickers,    once I figured out the 
options I needed.

    Of course, now the calendar icons are rolling down to the next    line...;)
    Steve 'Cutter' BladesAdobe Certified ExpertAdvanced Macromedia ColdFusion 
MX 7 Developer____________http://blog.cutterscrossing.com"The best way to 
predict the future is to help create it"    
    On 1/14/2011 11:18 AM, Matt Quackenbush wrote:          Steve,I already 
replied to your email, but since you opened this thread, I willcopy that reply 
here.  :-)1) If by "add" trigger you mean dynamically adding/removing fields, 
thenperhaps this link will 
 you meant something else, please elaborate.2) I don't have any side-by-side 
stuff in any of my apps, so I havepersonally never even played with it.  I do 
know that others have, however.There are three classes that spring to mind that 
should help with thesizing: medium, short, multiField.  The first two would be 
placed on theinput element itself to decrease the width.  For an example of 
multiField,check out the all-in-a-row date examples on the Kitchen Sink demo 

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