> The issue was not whether the overwrite was happening -- it definitely was
> -- the new image was written. There was no ftp involved -- this was all
> cffile from a form post.
> What I noted was that the original file -- the one being overwritten (with
> the same name, but different case), did not use the explicit case specified
> in the cfimage tag. Added interesting note is that the file is being resized
> as well.
> While this isn't really an issue for us on a windows server, if we were to
> ever move this image storage to, say, a linux server, this would be a
> problem, in that what we've stored in the DB as the filename would not match
> the filename on disk.
> We're expecting a lower-case image name since that's what we're passing to
> cfimage, so that's what we're storing in the DB.

Well, Windows isn't going to change its behavior just for you. So, you
might need to take additional steps to deal with this. On the other
hand, if you just ran it on Linux (or other OSs with case-sensitive
filesystems) in the first place, you wouldn't have encountered the
problem, right? The only time you should encounter a problem is if you
start running it on Windows, then need to migrate it and its existing
data to Linux.

So it seems to me that you can either (a) add functionality to the
application to normalize cases just for Windows, or (b) create a
normalization process for migration purposes. I'd go with (b) I think.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
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