it seems more to do with the ext store as there is no column displaying the data for this field.
the reason for this setup is that i have a grid showing the main record information, then when the user double clicks a row it opens a window with a form inside it. The form is then populated with the information in the grid (this field in particular does not have a column in the grid but has a text area space in the form) if it helps this is a shortened version of how i have set the store up (the addtionalinformation field is where i am having the problems): reader : new Ext.ux.grid.livegrid.JsonReader({ root : 'data', versionProperty : 'version', totalProperty : 'total', id : 'QUESTIONID' }, [ { name: 'QUESTIONID', type: 'int' }, { name: 'ADDITIONALINFORMATION', type: 'string', convert: function (v) { return convertString(v); } }, thanks >Can you show me your column config.... > >thanks for your reply, yes im using firebug and ext straight up > > >i included these 2 function and it came up with a load exception only when i >added text with a line break. The console displays the json data as follows: > >{"total": "1", >"data":[{"ABBREVIATION":"J7_ID","ADDITIONALINFORMATION":"testing > >testing}]} > >It is actualy showing the link breaks, so presumably this is causing the >exception. > >Would the best solution be to loop through the text on the server converting >any chr(10) to something and add a renderer on the grid to convert it back >to '\n' > >Its strange how this works for you though > >thanks for your help ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: