I've figured out the Java image part:

<cfset jpg = ImageNew(foo)>
<cfimage action="write" source="#jpg#" destination="test.jpg" overwrite="yes">

This works.

But the fact that the two jars seem to conflict with one another throws a real 
spanner into the works... Is there any way I could separate them and have both 
present in CF?



On 24 Jan 2011, at 13:30, Stefan Richter wrote:

> I've got two further questions.
> Now that I got the syntax right I can run 
> <cfset jpedal = 
> createObject("java","org.jpedal.examples.images.HiResThumbnailExtractor") />
> <cfset jpedal.init()>
> <cfset img = jpedal.getHiresPage(1, 1, 
> '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/testbed/test.pdf')>
> and I get back a java.awt.image.BufferedImage
> What's the best/easiest way to now save this as a jpg to disk?
> Also the jpedal.jar that comes with CF seems to be interfering with the one 
> I'd like to use. I can only get my example to work if I remove the CF version 
> of the jar - but I think this will break other core CF features. Is there a 
> way so that I can use both jars even though they contain some overlapping 
> classes? Apparently the CF version is a custom version of jpedal and not the 
> same as the one I downloaded from their site.
> Regards,
> Stefan
> On 24 Jan 2011, at 12:53, Stefan Richter wrote:
>> DOH!
>> Thanks Scott!
>> On 24 Jan 2011, at 12:47, Scott Stewart wrote:
>>> Should be org.jpedal. rest of path
>>> On Jan 24, 2011 7:18 AM, "Stefan Richter" <ste...@flashcomguru.com> wrote:
>>>> I'm trying to use a Java library called jpedal (http://www.jpedal.org) in
>>> order to convert PDF files to images. The following works great from the
>>> commandline on my Mac:
>>>> java -cp ./jpedal_trial.jar
>>> org/jpedal/examples/images/HiResThumbnailExtractor "test.pdf" "jpg"
>>>> However I'm not sure how to invoke the same from CF. I added the jpedal
>>> trial jar to ColdFusion9/lib and then tried the following:
>>>> <cfset jpedal =
>>> createObject("java","org/jpedal/examples/images/HiResThumbnailExtractor") />
>>>> and got the error:
>>>> An exception occurred while instantiating a Java object. The class must
>>> not be an interface or an abstract class. Error: IllegalName:
>>> org/jpedal/examples/images/HiResThumbnailExtractor.
>>>> I've spoken to the developer of jpedal, Mark Stephens, who told me that
>>> HiResThumbnailExtractor is not an interface or abstract class.
>>>> As some of you may know, jpedal is already part of CF as Adobe have
>>> licensed the library for some of their PDF handling. I wondered if this was
>>> causing problems, but even after removing the original jpedal.jar from CF I
>>> got the same error.
>>>> I was using CFPDF up until now to do the conversion but find the resulting
>>> images not good enough in terms of quality. For example even after
>>> specifying scale="100" in cfpdf, the resulting images are smaller than the
>>> original PDF.
>>>> Any tips on how I can use the .jar file successfully would be much
>>> appreciated.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Stefan

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