Hello Everyone, 

I've got some logic issues with something I'm trying to do. I've got a CFC that 
returns basically a number for a date field. Basically some math (SQL) that 
determines when that field expires for a certification. I'm writing a 
mail/reporting piece of this module. Eg the date time is taken from the now() 
SQL, subtracted and returns 10 or 32, eg days, then I just need to do the 
control statement to check these days, call up the mail template/generator and 
send the email. 

The issue is the logic is not working and will return 4 fields for any day. 

I need to check these fields within 90, 60, 30 and 15 days. 

For each time, I'd like it to check less then or equal to 90 and greater then 
60, so on until you hit zero. 

Here's the list of the fields we're checking:

Do I have to do the check on each individual value? 

To check the less or equal to 90 and greater then 60 I have tried: 

<cfif (adultExp OR kidExp OR frpExp OR aExp OR aidExp OR eExp OR waterExpt OR 
bloodExp OR oxyExp OR lifeExp OR wildExp ltE 'validDateRange[1]') AND (adultExp 
OR kidExp OR frpExp OR aExp OR aidExp OR eExp OR waterExpt OR bloodExp OR 
oxyExp OR lifeExp OR wildExp gt '60')>


<!--- Nested ifs --->

<cfif adultExp OR kidExp OR frpExp OR aExp OR aidExp OR eExp OR waterExpt OR 
bloodExp OR oxyExp OR lifeExp OR wildExp ltE '90'>

<cfif adultExp OR kidExp OR frpExp OR aExp OR aidExp OR eExp OR waterExpt OR 
bloodExp OR oxyExp OR lifeExp OR wildExp gt '60'>

Please help! 

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