> Sorry to hear that coming from a CTO of a leading company, but your opinion 
> is your opinion and I can respect that.

I'm not exactly sure what part of that would make you sorry about
something. But whatever I said that made you sorry, I was simply being
honest. I'd prefer to remain honest and make people sorry, than not
remain honest to make them happy.

>  Actually, I have gotten some good perspectives and while I think it could be 
> cheaper my aim was to get a discussion
> going about it because I have been away for a while.  I just wish you had 
> offered a wider perspective on it.

When you start a conversation, you set the tone for that conversation.
In a conversation about development tools, saying "$300 is crazy
expensive, and it should be cheaper" sets the tone for that
conversation as one that won't turn out to be very useful. But in any
case, I'm not sure what perspective you think I should have offered.
So here's another perspective.

Development tools are as much a matter of personal taste as measurable
effectiveness. You really have to evaluate them to find out if they
work for you. Some people prefer CF Builder. Others prefer CFEclipse.
Still others prefer Dreamweaver. And so on. If price is the absolutely
most important factor, you'll probably prefer CFEclipse over CFB.
Again, though, you have to take things as they are. If you think CFB
is too expensive, don't buy it. That's really your only option.

Finally, I note that you've been in two threads today that have been
pretty argumentative. I don't think that's coincidental. I've been in
dozens of threads this week probably, and these two are the only ones
that have turned out that way. I leave it to you to draw your own
conclusions from that.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsit

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