New records. See code below.

I need to parse through the submitted fields to insert them.

I think I am making it much harder then what it is but I'm SO stuck.

Here's the code that I am working with to process the form fields:

<cfif isDefined("form.submit")>
    <cfloop From="1" To= "#users.recordcount#" index="i">
        <cfloop item="fname" collection="#form#">
            <cfoutput><cfif #form[fname]# NEQ "">#Evaluate("form[fname]" &
i)#<br /></cfif></cfoutput>


Here's the form

<cfloop query="users">
<cfif users.roleID NEQ 1>
<td><input name="userID#userID#" type="checkbox" value="#users.employeeID#">
#users.firstname# #users.lastname#</td>
<CFSELECT NAME="code#userID#">
<OPTION value=""></option>
<OPTION value="Personal">Personal</option>
<OPTION value="Preceptor">Preceptor</option>
<OPTION value="Senior Resource Nurse">Senior Resource Nurse</option>
<OPTION value="Special Project-Phone">Special Project-Phone</option>
<OPTION value="System Down Time">System Down Time</option>
<OPTION value="Training-In Person">Training-In Person</option>
<OPTION value="Training: Phone">Training: Phone</option>
<OPTION value="Client Training Phone">Client Training Phone</option>
<OPTION value="Peer To Peer Consultation">Peer To Peer Consultation</option>
<OPTION value="Gone Home">Gone Home</option>
<td><input name="minutes#userID#" value="" size="5"></td>

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 1:43 PM, Carl Von Stetten

> Some more information might be helpful.  Can we see the code of the form
> itself?  Also, are you just inserting new records into your database, or
> editing existing records?
> On 1/28/2011 10:34 AM, Monique Boea wrote:
> > Any sample code for a grid-like form?
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 8:16 PM, Monique Boea<>
>  wrote:
> >
> >>   Hello All
> >>
> >> I have a form which is design like an excel spreadsheet with about 60
> input
> >> rows.
> >>
> >> The user may enter values for some and not the others.
> >>
> >> I am stuck on entering the values into the database.
> >>
> >> I use the following code to loop through the forms vars but don't know
> >> where to go after this.
> >>
> >> <cfloop list="#StructKeyList(form)#" index="key">
> >> <cfif #form[key]# NEQ "Submit" AND #form[key]# NEQ "FIELDNAMES">
> >>   <cfoutput>#key# = #form[key]#<br></cfoutput>
> >> </cfif>
> >> </cfloop>
> >>
> >>
> >> Any suggestions?
> >>
> >> P.S. Thank you guys for all of your help. It is appreciated.
> >>
> >
> >

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