I generally prefer to use JQuery over CF's built in stuff. I find it to be
more steamlined. Plus I think you can probably find more tuts for the JQuery

This tut has a nice approach and actually explains ajax a bit. Might be a
good start: http://articles.sitepoint.com/article/ajax-jquery
Ofcourse the JQuery website has great api docs.

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 2:21 PM, Teed Younger <teedyoun...@hotmail.com>wrote:

> Hi, once again seeking some advice/help with a project. Can anyone direct
> me to a good ajax tutorial that covers how to take form inputs/values and
> then display results using an click event.
> What I have is a form with only two inputs. The user types in numeric
> values in each form field, then several mathmatical calculations are
> performed and the results are shown.
> Anyway, still very new to ajax, and not even sure I can do this with just a
> simple ajax script, but any nudges in the right direction would be greatly
> appreciated.

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