On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Tim Do wrote:

> An exception occurred when setting up mail server parameters. This
> exception was caused by:
> coldfusion.mail.MailSpooler$SpoolLockTimeoutException: A timeout occurred
> while waiting for the lock on the mail spool directory..
> We've been getting this error recently and had to restart jrun to get it to
> start again.  Reading that this is a common problem in versions 7/8 and can
> be fixed w/ hotfixes and even uninstalling latest updates but we're on 9
> here.

Hmm, after never seeing this error message before in my life (even way back
on 6.x/7.x), this suddenly started happening to us on CF9.0.1.  We've been
on 9 for several months, even, but it just started happening sometime within
the last 48-ish hours.

After doing a bunch of reading I was unable to find any sure fire solution,
or detail as to why it was occurring in the first place, but restarting the
CF instance got it running again.  Does anyone have any information on what
the cause of this would be?


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