On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 5:05 PM, Paul Alkema <paulalkemadesi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a question; when you guys do consulting or freelance programming, do
> you charge for meetings? Or do you absorb meeting time into your fees?

You should definitely charge for your time.  How you charge for it can
vary.  You can track it per hour and charge per hour, or if it's a
flat fee project you can roll it up into the overall cost.  Like
anything in a flat fee project though, the scope must be very narrowly
defined or it an run away from you.  This includes meetings.

If you roll it into a flat fee project, I would describe the meetings
in whatever scope or work or statement of work document you produce.
Describe how many are included, how long you expect them to be, and
what location they should be (your office or theirs).

Basically, treat it just like you would a software requirement in the
scope of a software project and react to meeting requests accordingly.



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