Good Morning Everyone!

I'm having a mental issue on how i can get the data i need based on a part 
number that I’m retrieving from one table. In the one table i have the top 
200 sellers, in my other three tables i have all of the information that goes 
with the parts.

I have written three queries that go to each of the three tables. 

Question 1:
In all the tables the part number may fit 7 different applications, therefore 
the part number can be in there multiple times on my results. I have used the 
"DISTINCT" attribute to get the distinct number from the table that hosts the 
information. How can i pull all of the corresponding info (Year, Make, Model, 
etc) while I’m using the distinct clause? 

Question 2:
If i wanted to get all information from any of the three tables based on a 
single part number without duplicates, how would i write that.

I'm not sure is i should be doing joins, or sub-queries, and/or unions.

Here are my 3 queries:

<cfquery name="get_Main_Group_rev" datasource="XXXXXXX" username="XXXXXXX" 
SELECT DISTINCT PartNumber FROM GriffinDataRevised
INNER JOIN Top200 ON GriffinDataRevised.PartNumber = Top200.Part_Number
WHERE Top200.part_number = GriffinDataRevised.PartNumber

<cfquery name="get_Main_Group_dominator" datasource="XXXXXXX" 
username="XXXXXXX" password="XXXXXXX">
        SELECT DISTINCT Dominator.part_number FROM Dominator
    INNER JOIN Top200 ON Top200.part_number = Dominator.part_number
    ORDER BY Dominator.Part_Number ASC

<cfquery name="get_Main_Group_race" datasource="XXXXXXX" username="XXXXXXX" 
SELECT DISTINCT PartNumber FROM GriffinRaceDataNew
INNER JOIN Top200 ON GriffinRaceDataNew.PartNumber = Top200.Part_Number
WHERE Top200.part_number = GriffinRaceDataNew.PartNumber

How can i simplify this process :)

Thank you!

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