Basics: Windows 2003 server, CF 7.0.2, SQL Server 8

Multiple datasources, but lets specifically look at the ones named Apple and 
Banana. They point to separate databases on the same SQL server, connecting to 
db Apple and db Banana respectively, as expected. However, occasionally, 
datasource Apple gets mixed up and attempts to use db Banana.

At first my error reported the following:
Datasource: Apple
Detail: [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Invalid object name 

After verifying the table did indeed exist, I did a simple cfquery to return 
the tables that do exist in datasource Apple. This query returned the tables 
from database Banana! I double and triple checked the datasource in the CF 
Administrator. It is correctly set to Apple. 

This is happening on our dev server. My solution thus far has been to create a 
new datasource called Apple_tmp. It seems to work. I did try to then delete 
Apple and rename Apple_tmp back to Apple, but it soon had the same issue. Ahhhh!

My suspicions are some DNS or IP funkiness but have yet to track that down. 
This is all on one physical box, so I don't know if that would be it or not. 
I'm mainly curious if anyone else has seen this. 

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