CF will read in bit values from SQL Server and evaluate them as 
equivalent to true/false or yes/no.  However, SQL Server expects 0 or 1 
from ColdFusion when writing to a bit field.  There's probably a UDF on that converts CF boolean values into strict bit values, but 
here's one I wrote for this purpose:

<!--- BooltoBit can be used to convert logical boolean values
         ("on/off","true/false","yes/no", "1/0") to bit values for
         insertion into SQL databases


         foo = <cfqueryparam value="#BooltoBit(foo)#" 

<cffunction name="BooltoBit" returntype="numeric">
<cfargument name="b" type="string" required="yes">
<cfset var result = "">
<cfif LCase(b) eq "on">
<cfset b = True>
<cfelseif LCase(b) eq "off">
<cfset b = False>
<cfif IsBoolean(b)>
<cfif b>
<cfset result = 1>
<cfset result = 0>
<cfset result = -1>
<cfreturn result>


On 2/18/2011 10:38 AM, Nicki Tabb wrote:
> sorry,
> I guess I meant that, when using CF, I have never had issues with No or False 
> or 0 being read as the same by the SQL Server
>> No it doesn't.
>> Here is an example on SQL 2005:
>> declare @test table (
>>      testVal bit
>> )
>> insert into @test (testval) values (0);
>> insert into @test (testval) values ('Yes'); -- Results in error
>> Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'Yes' to data type
>> bit.
>> insert into @test (testval) values ('True'); -- Results in error
>> Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'True' to data type
>> bit.
>> insert into @test (testval) values ('No'); -- Results in error
>> Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'No' to data type
>> bit.
>> insert into @test (testval) values ('False'); -- Results in error
>> Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'False' to data type
>> bit.
>> select * from @test
>> Sql expects data types that match. ColdFusion isn't strongly typed so
>> false and no are equivalent to 0.
>> Steve
>> SQL will read a NO or FALSE or 0 as the same

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