Sounds like a good idea.

So, to implement your approach, I would add a siteID into the database
info linked to a domain name?  Just an abstract siteID as the main
identifier for the site variables, as opposed to using the site
domain name, right?


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve 'Cutter' Blades [] 
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 8:13 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Feedback on this approach to "many sites, one codebase" (MSOC)

I tend to use a siteId, based upon the query return. I can then reuse 
that ID for things like the folder name of a SiteSpecific media/assets 
folder. If the site url changes, the siteId does not, eliminating future 

Steve 'Cutter' Blades
Adobe Certified Expert
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

Co-Author "Learning Ext JS 3.2" Packt Publishing 2010

"The best way to predict the future is to help create it"

On 2/17/2011 11:28 AM, Rick Faircloth wrote:
> Hi, all...
> I've been tinkering around the edges with
> "many sites, one codebase" (MSOC) for awhile and
> was interested in getting some feedback on an
> approach I'm taking.
> The most basic part is that I use the domain name
> to determine variable values for a site.
> I'll start with that.
> I use application.cfc to set up the following:
> <cfset = "#cgi.server_name#">
> Any issues with that?
> Then I have use the onApplicationStart cffunction to
> clear session and application variables.
> Then I use the cgi.server_name, determined from the
> URL visited by a user, of course, and run this query to get needed
> values for site variables from a database:
> <cfquery name = "qGetApplicationVariables" datasource="globalSiteManager">
>       select  *
>       from            siteApplicationSettings
>       where           (select strcmp(siteName, '#cgi.server_name#')) = -1
> </cfquery>
> Then, I set site variables as follows:
> <cfset application.dsn        =
> etc...
> At this point, I'm entering all a site's variables into a database
> although if I continue with this approach, I'll develop an automated
> solution.
> The site menu is determined also by values in a database for the site
> by using code such as the following:
> <cfset application.calendar   =
> '#qGetApplicationVariables.applicationCalendar#'>
> If the qGetApplicationVariables.applicationCalendar value is 'yes', then
> menu item is shown, if it's 'no', then the menu choice is not shown.
> The last piece of this approach is setting path variables, etc, for image
> and
> document uploads, image paths, etc, with this type of code:
> <cfset application.userImagesPathAbsolute =
> '#qGetApplicationVariables.applicationUserImagesPathAbsolute#'>
> etc.
> This seems to be working fine so far... speed is good, etc.,
> but I'd like to know, from those of you who have been down this road
> if I'm heading for a show-stopping issue, or if this is a workable
> And, I'm really not interested in frameworks...not at this point.
> Thanks for taking the time to read this and offer any feedback.
> I'm just ready to develop some applications that I can sell *more than
> once*!!
> "Work smarter, not harder" approach. Watching people getting rich selling
> apps for $.99, such as "Angry Birds", is just killing me.  I thought,
> there has got to be a better way to be a freelancer than "one-off"
> Rick

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